Aurora Diesel Generator Unboxing & Review 6500 SDEthis is not some cheapo ebay or craigslist imported crap chinese knock-off bojack imatation generator. this is the original, aurora is the one the chinks copy by reverse engineering, this is the aurora silent diesel generator, unbox and review by youtubes original handyman zone 6500sde & 6500de generator 99 plus shipping
according to aurora generator company:
The next time visiting a big box store, look at electrical devices, components, cables and accessories. Notice how they all have UL, CSA or ETL logos on them. These are the logos of nationally recognized testing laboratories. The big box stores do not take chances with unknown, unproven and untested potentially dangerous electrical products. Why should you? Responsible retailers only accept products with proper electrical certification. Those products must have been laboratory tested to insure they are in compliance with national electrical safety codes and quality standards. Only after they have passed testing, do they receive the right, to use the ETL, CSA or UL logos.
Do not be fooled by the “CE” logo. CE is a European standard. Many EBay generators show this. Those are cheap imported generators designed for other markets. Those generators do not meet national electrical codes. Also note, just because a generator has a few components with the UL or CSA logo on it, it does NOT mean it has the required overall certification. Customers are being fooled by fake logos. Search for “Market Surveillance Product Incident Report Form” on google and report them. It is on the UL website.
The point of all this is to stress that Only Aurora Generators supplies generators like these that are in compliance with national electrical safety codes and standards. These generators are ETL approved to UL and CSA Standards 22.2 No 100. They are far better quality than any other generator like it on the market guaranteed.
Aurora generators are created differently then others with a focus on “quality” not quantity sales. Aurora is actively involved in manufacturing, assembly and quality control. Products are built from the ground up with higher grade components and materials carefully selected to guarantee The Aurora Silent Diesel Generator is stronger and longer lasting. Aurora is responsible for their own engines and alternators unlike others who buy completed ones from the lowest wholesalers. Consumer reports rank Aurora one of the leading companies in the industry with superior products, customer service and best value. YouTube Channel:
Weasel & Ferret Stuff
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